DCMS Youth Investment Fund

Youth Investment fund logo

Aims/priorities: Phase 2 is intended to deliver up to 300 youth facilities that:

  • Represent positive value for money.
  • Are environmentally sustainable.
  • Enable positive activities for young people.

Projects must be focused on the delivery of new and renewed youth facilities within a short timescale. Grants could cover:

  • Large new youth centres, with multiple rooms, including outdoor space and full youth facilities.
  • Medium new youth centres, with one or more rooms/spaces and uses for youth services/activities.
  • Small new modular youth units, using modern methods of construction, or other innovative and efficient construction techniques, consisting of a single main space for smaller youth services/activities.
  • Repurposing of existing facilities, including preserving or reinstating disused or derelict spaces for use as youth centres, where renovation work will expand the capacity, inclusivity or quality of services being offered to young people.
  • Expansion or extension of existing facilities used for youth services/activities, where renovation work will expand the capacity, inclusivity or quality of services being offered to young people.

Who can apply? The lead organisation, responsible for managing the grant, must be one of the following:

  • Local authority.
  • Registered or exempt charity.
  • Community Interest Company.
  • Community Benefit Society.
  • Uniformed Group.
  • Sports club.

Organisations must be based in a left-behind area of England, as ranked based on a combination of youth need and low provision. An eligibility checker can be found on the Social Investment Business website.

Applicants must be working with children and young people, where the majority are aged 11 to 19 years. Where young people have a special educational need, are leaving care, or are considered 'at risk' or vulnerable, funding may be granted up to the age of 25 years.

Grant amount: £10,000 to £150,000 are available.

Application process: Full guidelines, FAQs and the Expression of Interest form can be found on the Social Investment Business website.

Deadline: Friday 12 May 2023

Contact Information: Tel: 020 3096 7900 Email: yif@sibgroup.org.uk

Website addresshttps://youthinvestmentfund.org.uk/

over £25,000
Registered Charity
Funding Theme: 
Children and Young People
Unpublish Date: 
Friday, 12 May, 2023