Action Together is a registered charity that works across Oldham, Rochdale and Tameside in Greater Manchester. Each year we hold an annual general meeting to report back to our members on our activity and finances. We also publish an annual impact report about our work along with a detailed financial statement that can be found on the Charity Commision website.
Our Board
We are run by a board of trustees. These are unpaid positions that help govern and steer the organisation. The honorary officers are elected by the board of trustees at its first meeting after the AGM. In addition, the board have the power to co-opt up to three additional trustees to bring additional skills to the overall leadership of the organisation. Find out more about our trustees..
Our Members
We have a membership that is made up by representatives of the groups and organisations we help. They can become members of Action Together and have a say in our future direction. Find out more about membership.
Our Volunteers
Like many of the organisation we help, we rely on a team of wonderful people who volunteer their time to help us. Volunteers perform a number of roles across our charity.
Our Staff
The day to day running of the organisation is overseen by our Chief Executive Liz Windsor-Welsh and her team. Liz is appointed by the Trustees. Our staff team works across Oldham, Rochdale, and Tameside.