Healthwatch - Help with NHS and Social Care

We deliver Healthwatch Oldham and Healthwatch Tameside, the independent consumer champions for health and social care in Oldham and Tameside. We listen to local people, and gather information about their experiences of using health and social care services. We are careful to share ideas in a way which will not identify any individuals. Any information we are given will remain anonymous.

We use the information we gather to:

  • To talk to the people who arrange (commission) the services and the people who provide the services
  • Influence changes which will make these services better for everyone
  • Share good practice
  • Improve services. If you tell us about something that could be improved, we will talk to the people in charge about this too


Healthwatch Oldham -  Email:; Tel: 0161 622 5700. Click here to visit the Healthwatch Oldham website.

Healthwatch Tameside - Email:; Tel: 0161 667 2526. Click here to visit the Healthwatch Tameside website.