Statement on the closure of GMCVO

Posted: 13 December 2024

We are sad to learn of the decision by GMCVO’s trustees to close the organisation. We know that this will have come at the end of a long period of review, analysis and soul-searching before reaching this conclusion and its painful consequences.

GMCVO has been a pioneer in exploring ways to build resources in communities and we must not lose sight of the opportunity to transform our economy and communities in Greater Manchester. The voluntary, community, faith and social enterprise (VCFSE) sector remains a vital part of this vision and we and our partners across Greater Manchester will continue to support this work.

This announcement comes during a tough economic environment for the sector, which is sustained by the hard work of local people in diverse communities all across Greater Manchester. Many organisations are vulnerable due to rising costs, funding pressures, and the ever-growing demand for services. We know this unexpected news has caused further anxiety for many in our sector.

In the recent press articles, the Administrators’ reference to “historic liabilities” underlines the importance of robust governance in our sector. Being agile whilst managing risks is essential for the work our organisations do, and there has to be good information, systems and oversight to navigate challenges effectively.

Local Infrastructure Organisations like Action Together and our 10GM partners are here to help the VCFSE sector succeed, even in difficult times. This closure changes the landscape for support organisations, never-the-less, our purpose remains clear. We are working urgently with colleagues across Greater Manchester to take forward the resources and activities from GMCVO that we can, ensuring their value and legacy is not lost for communities.

For today, though, our thoughts are with our friends and colleagues at GMCVO who are directly affected by this sad situation.

Liz Windsor-Welsh, Action Together CEO

If your organisation has any vacancies and is offering guaranteed interviews to GMCVO employees who have lost their jobs, please contact us and we will pass on the information to them.

Support is available for local VCFSE organisations in every area of Greater Manchester

We also encourage social enterprises and community businesses to join the new Our Business online community which has a range of resources, and a triage system to identify what support your organisation needs and who is able to provide it. 10GM is working with Co-operatives UK on this initiative to support the growing social economy in Greater Manchester