• Art classes

    Local art classes for 18+ - utilised by lots of people 50+ Helps with isolation and loneliness by getting people to attend regular art classes, improves art skills and helps build friendships, confidence etc

    Contact for further details: Andy Woods
    Contact phone number: 01616965474

    Day: Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
    Time: Tuesday & Thursday 10am-12pm Thursday 13:15-15:15
    Frequency: Weekly
    Cost: £15 - £20

    Professional Referral: No
    Self Referral: Yes
    Accessible for disabled people: Yes
    Accessible for people with language needs: Yes

    About the host organisation

    Hosted by: The Workers' Educational Association
    Organisation Profile:

    The WEA has been providing high-quality educational opportunities to communities since 1903. Today, our Vision, Mission and Values inform everything we do.
    “A better world - equal, democratic and just; through adult education the WEA challenges and inspires individuals, communities and society”
    Raising educational aspirations
    Bringing great teaching and learning to local communities
    Ensuring there is always an opportunity for adults to return to learning
    Developing educational opportunities for the most disadvantaged
    Involving students and supporters as members to build an education movement for social purpose
    Inspiring students, teachers and members to become active citizens
    We deliver our mission by developing partnerships to meet individual and collective needs, using active learning and a student centred approach in which teachers and students work as equals. We constantly strive to adapt our services to meet people’s needs, making full use of technology.

    Charity Number: 1112775