• Drop In

    The Drop In is a great place to meet new and old friends. There are many activities including outdoor sports, a pool table and crafts as well as many friendly people to chat with. Light refreshments are on sale. This service is only available to people with learning disabilities over the age of 18 years old.

    Contact for further details: Liz Wright
    Contact phone number: 01613083699

    Day: Friday
    Time: 1.30pm - 3.30pm
    Frequency: Weekly
    Cost: £1 - £3

    Professional Referral: Yes
    Self Referral: Yes
    Accessible for disabled people:
    Accessible for people with language needs:

    About the host organisation

    Hosted by: People First Tameside
    Organisation Profile:

    A user-led organisation for adults with learning disabilities in Tameside. providing
    - Day services
    - Community activities programme
    - Hate crime workshops
    - Disability awareness training in schools, businesses and services please enquire
    - A voice within the Partnership Board
    - Facilitation of Shadow Partnership Board
    - 1:1 Crisis work
    - Tough Talks workshop
    - Independent living apartment

    Charity Number: 1087319