

Rochdale Communities Fund - Stop Smoking Fund


Thanks to funding from Rochdale Borough Council Public Health team, Action Together is offering grants of up to £1000 for VCFSE organisations to help Rochdale stop smoking by providing support to community members to stop tobacco use. In addition, all applicants are encouraged to identify Smoke Free Champions within their organisation.

Smokefree Champions are asked to: 

Rochdale Communities Fund – Rochdale Creates Community Fund

Aims/priorities: Thanks to funding from Rochdale Development Agency, Action Together is offering Rochdale Creates Community Fund investment to support VCFSE organisations build relationships with local artists and start using creativity as a tool for wellbeing and strengthening communities.

Whether it’s helping someone process their mental health, trauma, build their confidence or generally improve their wellbeing through creativity, we know that arts and culture can play a big role in health and wellbeing. 

Rochdale Communities Fund - Home from Hospital (round 2)


Rochdale Borough Council’s social care team have received funding to help people stay well at home or recover when they get out of hospital. 

When someone is discharged from hospital, they might need support to boost their confidence, avoid being isolated, make sure their home is safe, and practical support like delivering prescriptions or food.

Rochdale Communities Fund - Prevention Fund


The aim of this fund is to embed holistic preventative support in places with existing ‘crisis offers’. Places with a ‘crisis offer’ could be a foodbank, a warm space, a community centre, or anywhere with a track record of providing an emergency support offer to people living in poverty. 

Rochdale Communities Fund - Wider Essentials Fund (Round 2)


Thanks to funding from Rochdale Borough Council’s Public Health team, Action Together is offering small grants of up to £5,000 for VCFSE organisations to provide Wider Essentials to individuals and communities within the Rochdale Borough. 

The fund priorities have been co-produced by a group of representatives from the Anti-Poverty Network, Welfare Advice Forum, Food Solutions Forum, Ethnic Communities Network and the Digital Inclusion Forum.

Rochdale Communities Fund - Food Solutions Fund (Round 3)


Thanks to funding from Rochdale Borough Council Public Health team, Action Together is offering investment to help the VCFSE groups provide emergency and immediate food offers, as well as investing in supporting the longer-term sustainability of our borough’s food providers. 

The fund priorities have been co-produced by a group of representatives from the Anti-Poverty Network, Welfare Advice Forum, Food Solutions Forum, Ethnic Communities Network and the Digital Inclusion Forum.

Rochdale Communities Fund - The Big Pan


Thanks to funding from Rochdale Borough Council Public Health Team, Action Together is offering grants of up to £1000 for groups to get involved with The Big Pan Community Cooking programme. 

As part of the project, we expect all groups successful in receiving funding to:

Rochdale Communities Fund - Digital Inclusion Grant


Thanks to funding from Rochdale Borough Council, Action Together is offering investment to help VCFSE groups provide digital inclusion support to individuals and communities in the Rochdale Borough.

Your project must fall within one or more of the following priorities: 

Rochdale Communities Fund - Food Solution Grants


Thanks to funding from Rochdale Borough Council Public Health team, Action Together is offering investment to help the VCFSE groups provide emergency and immediate food offers, as well as investing in supporting the longer-term sustainability of our borough’s food providers. 

As there are limited funds, we will be prioritising applications who are already part of our Food Solution Network or can show how they will work collaboratively with this Network going forward.

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