Skipton Building Society Charitable Foundation

Aims/priorities: The Skipton Building Society Charitable Foundation offers grants to UK registered charities based and working in the UK, particularly those who are in areas near the Society's Principal Office or one of its branches.

The funding is intended to support registered charities undertaking charitable projects which benefit children through education and/or welfare, youth schemes and projects, or the elderly and their care.

Charities should address the following objectives:

  • Benefit children under 16 years old through education and/or welfare (literacy, numeracy, reducing poverty).
  • Provide youth schemes and projects supporting young people (late teens or early 20s) in socially deprived areas with literacy, numeracy and employment.
  • Support the elderly by reducing isolation, helping reduce the effects of dementia and Alzheimer’s.

The ‘donations’ are for registered charities to purchase specific tangible items or activities, which are to be used directly by beneficiaries. It is expected that the charity becomes the owner of that equipment, responsible for the on-going upkeep and maintenance.

The funding can be used for (but is not limited to) the following:

  • Sensory toys and equipment for children with special needs.
  • Items to care for isolated and/or vulnerable elderly people.
  • Support of specially adapted equipment to be used by people with physical / mental / communication disabilities.
  • Apparatus for children with special needs.
  • Items or tangible social activities for Community Centres providing a benefit to many in the local community.
  • Provision of tangible and social interaction activities for the vulnerable and/or isolated.


Who can apply? The Foundation will only consider grant applications from UK registered charities. Particular consideration will be given to charities which operate in areas where the Society has a presence but groups do not have to have a Skipton Building Society account to be eligible to apply.

The Foundation will particularly seek to help those charities where clear and immediate benefit to the recipients can be identified. The charity must be able to provide its latest two years' annual accounts. After receipt of a grant, organisations must wait five years before re-applying. Groups must wait two years before re-applying if the initial submission was unsuccessful.

Grant amount:  The maximum grant available is £3,000.

Application process: The online application form can be found on the Skipton Building Society Charitable Foundation website. 

The Foundation normally meets quarterly, at the beginning of March, June, September and December, to consider requests. The deadline for applications is the 15th of the month prior to each meeting. The 2022 closing dates for application are 15 February, 15 May, 15 August, and 15 November 2022. Applications received after the deadline will be considered at the next meeting.

Deadline: Applications may be made at any time. 

Contact information:  Secretary - Email:

Website address: Skipton Charitable Foundation

£1000.01 to £10,000
Partnerships and Consortiums
Registered Charity
Funding Theme: 
Children and Young People
Unpublish Date: 
Monday, 15 August, 2022