Naturesave Trust

Aims/priorities: The funding aims to support projects which specifically address the needs set out in the Trust's latest funding window and fall under the broad objective of promoting and implementing sustainable development.

The theme for the current round is sustainable and active travel.

Who can apply? Applications are accepted from a range of UK based organisations, including charities, social enterprises, voluntary organisations, small grassroots community groups and businesses.

To be eligible, the organisation and/or project must:

  • Be entirely based in the UK.
  • Have a website or social media presence.

Grant amount: Up to £5,000 are available.

Any offer of funding is open from six months of the date of the offer letter.

Application process: The Trust operates three funding windows per year:

  • January to February.
  • May to June.
  • September to October.

The guidelines and online application form can be found on the Naturesave Trust website.

Deadline: Monday 27 February 2025, (12 noon).

Contact information: Email:

Website: The Naturesave Trust - Naturesave Insurance