Aims/Priorities: Following a strategic review earlier this year, MSE Charity has announced that from June 2024, the funding approach is changing from two themed grant rounds per year to two grant rounds with no specific themes.
Instead of a specific theme, all applications must be aligned with MSE Charity's vision of funding activities which make a lasting impact on the way people think, behave and manage their money.
The funding is intended for a wide range of not-for-profit organisations in the UK for activities related to increasing personal financial capability.
MSE Charity defines financial capability as the ability to manage money well – both day-to-day and through significant life events, such as: having a baby; moving home; unexpected job loss; bereavement; major illness or injury. It gives people the confidence and knowledge to make the most of their money and improve their lives. This means addressing all the factors that influence people’s behaviour around money: skills and knowledge, attitudes towards money, motivation to take action, and accessibility to financial services.
Who can apply? Applications will be accepted from UK registered charities, community interest companies (CICs), credit union, not-for-profit companies limited by guarantee, and social enterprise companies.
To be eligible, applicants must be based in the UK, looking for funding for UK based activities, and have:
- An annual income of less than £750,000 and less than six months free reserves.
- Been established and active for at least 18 months.
- Unrestricted reserves that are less than six months of their running costs.
- A governing document (a constitution, rules, or articles of association)
- A governing body of at least three unconnected individuals
- A bank account in the group’s name with at least two unconnected signatories required to authorise payments.
- An Equal Opportunities Policy
- A Child Protection Policy or Vulnerable Adults Policy, as appropriate.
Community interest companies and social enterprise organisations must have a governing document which shows the name, aim/purpose, objects of the group, including a dissolution clause - what happens if the group ceases to function. This clause should show that they are a not-for-profit group by confirming that any assets remaining after all debts are paid will be given to another voluntary group with similar aims. This document should also include details of their Trustees or management committee.
Grant Amount: The maximum grant is £10,000 (an increase of £2,000 from the previous round).
It is anticipated that between six to nine projects will receive funding each grant round.
Application Process: The Winter grant round is now open for Stage 1 proposals
Notification of funding decisions for Winter applications expected by 7 May 2025.
The application process is as follows:
- Pre-Application - Grant Eligibility Quiz - a self assessment tool to determine if the organisation and project meets MSE Charity’s general grant criteria. If successful, applicants will unlock access to the Stage 1 form.
- Stage 1 - Outline Proposal - a brief application that enables applicants to tell about their organisation and the activities they would like funded. This should provide sufficient detail for the Grants Advisory Panel (GAP) to assess if it would be suitable for The MSE Charity to consider funding. Applications for the winter round open 13 January 2025 (9am) and close 31 January 2025 (5pm). Assessment will take place during February 2025.
- Stage 2 - Full Application - invited short-listed applicants are sent a link to complete a full application form with approximately one month to complete. This will require more detailed information to be provided about their organisation; evidence of need, the project activities; the team's experience; the outcomes they are hoping to achieve; a detailed project budget; and submission of supporting documents including their Accounts and a recent bank statement.
All relevant documents are available on the MSE Charity website.
Applications are only accepted electronically and only within the grant round dates.
Deadline: 31 January 2025 (5pm)
Contact Information:
Website: How to Apply