Aims/priorities: The funding is for groups across the UK to transform urban spaces for the benefit of people and wildlife through planting and championing UK native plants or fungi.
The funding is for projects that focus on UK native plants, transform an urban space, enhance the biodiversity of the space with planting and growing as a core activity.
Projects should be led by groups who care about the environment and will use sustainable materials and practices and have the potential to reach at least 300 people.
In addition, projects need to work with one or more of Grow Wild’s target audience:
- Young people aged 12-25.
- People experiencing some disadvantage or reduced access to services.
- People who are less engaged with others in their local community.
- People who face barriers to connecting with nature.
- Disabled people.
Project leaders will be invited to share their experiences with other successful groups and attend online events and training facilitated by Grow Wild.
Who can apply? Applications will be accepted from not-for-profit organisations in the UK.
This includes:
- Voluntary, youth and community groups.
- Resident's groups.
- Community associations.
- Health authorities and health boards.
Groups must:
- Have two members of staff or volunteers who can liaise with Grow Wild.
- Be able to deliver and be financially responsible for a community project.
- Hold a bank account in the name of their group and can show evidence of this to Grow Wild.
Grant amount: Grants of £2,000 are available and need to be spent by the end of October 2025.
It is anticipated that around 20 groups from across the UK will receive funding in 2025.
New for 2025 - an opportunity to apply for a £500 follow-on grant for spring 2026, to help support ongoing activities.
Application process: Guidance notes and the application form can be found on Grow Wild's website.
Successful applicants will receive their grant in April 2025.
Deadline: Thursday 13 February 2025, (15:00).
Contact information: Email: