VCSE Perinatal & Parent Infant Mental Health (PIMH) Champions

Aims/priorities: The Greater Manchester Health & Social Care Partnership is pleased to be able to offer a funded development opportunity for 10 Perinatal & Parent-Infant Mental Health (PIMH) Champions from VCSE groups across the city-region. This work is aimed at increasing the knowledge of perinatal and parent-infant mental health in voluntary and community organisations that work specifically with diverse communities including BAME communities and LGBTQI+ communities. This is to fund a specific person in that role and not for example to give a grant to the organisation for something like running costs. 

Funding of £7,500 per organisation will be provided for each Champion.  Over 12 months, Champions will learn about Perinatal & PIMH in order to develop their own organisation’s awareness and understanding of this area.  Champions will:

  • Attend a four-day introductory training course (delivered over 4 weeks) in perinatal and parent infant mental health.
  • Learn about local services involved in the GM whole system approach to perinatal and PIMH.
  • Form a new GM Perinatal & PIMH Champions Network that will meet monthly to share experiences, to continue to learn from each other, to learn from health colleagues from across the GM perinatal & PIMH system.
  • Learn from local and national groups working in the area of PIMH and health inequalities.
  • Develop relationships with local Maternity Voice Partnerships.

All of this will:

  • Enable Champions’ organisations to identify perinatal and parent-infant mental health concerns in families they work with.
  • Be able to support and signpost families to GM services as appropriate.
  • Help VCSE organisations to ‘keep baby in mind’ when supporting parents.

Who can apply? Greater Manchester VCSE groups.

Grant amount: Up to £7,500.

Application process: You will need to submit an expression of interest in the first instance. To submit an expression of interest please complete this form and return to

Deadline: Monday 26 April 2021.

Contact information: Email 

Website address:

£1000.01 to £10,000
Charitable Company
Constituted Group
Partnerships and Consortiums
Registered Charity
Social Enterprise
Funding Theme: 
Children and Young People
Communities Experiencing Racial Inequalities
Unpublish Date: 
Monday, 26 April, 2021