Ragdoll Foundation

Aims/priorities: The Ragdoll Foundation is a small foundation which is dedicated to supporting the creation, appreciation and awareness of imaginative and innovative content that reflects the world from a child’s point of view.

The Foundation's primary purpose is to make grants for charitable purposes that:

  • Evidence the power of arts and creativity and their transformative power for children and young people.
  • Promote the development of children through their imaginative thinking.
  • Encourage innovative thinking and influence good practice elsewhere.
  • Ensure effective evaluation of projects to promote sharing and learning.
  • Above all demonstrate how concerns of children can be heard.

Open Grants are available to support organisations working with children and young people using the arts and creative media.

Funding is available to support the cultural sector's work with children and young people.

Proposals are invited from organisations developing creative and innovative approaches to engaging children and young people using the arts and creative media. The Foundation is interested in projects that will capture and develop the imagination of, and allow the voices of children to be heard. Projects should place children and young people at the heart of the creative process.

Who can apply? Not-for-profit organisations based in the UK are eligible to apply. Although most applicants will be an arts organisation, other organisations which intend to partner with arts organisations or work with artists within the project will be considered. 

Organisations must:

  • Be carrying out work that is legally charitable.
  • Be able to provide a copy of the organisation's constitution showing charitable or social purpose.
  • Have a safeguarding/child protection policy that is regularly reviewed and be able to demonstrate adequate processes are in place to ensure the safeguarding of children and young people.

Grant amount: There are two strands to the Open Grants Scheme:

  • Main Grants of between £5,000 and £20,000 are available for projects lasting up to three years. Applications of up to £50,000 for multi-year projects from organisations with appropriate experience will be considered.
  • Small Grants of up to £1,500 are available.

Application process: Guidance notes and an application form are available on The Ragdoll Foundation's website.


  • The Small Grants Programme: 27 August 2021 – for projects beginning no earlier than November 2021.
  • The Main Grants Programme: Stage one applications submitted between August and November should be for projects beginning no earlier than March of the following year.

Contact information: Tel: 01789 404100, Email info@ragdollfoundation.org.uk

Website address: ragdollfoundation.org.uk 

£10,000.01 to £25,000
Charitable Company
Partnerships and Consortiums
Registered Charity
Social Enterprise
Funding Theme: 
Children and Young People
Unpublish Date: 
Friday, 27 August, 2021