One Oldham Micro Grants Programme up to £1,000.00 2021 - 2022

Published date: 
Monday, 22nd August 2022

Phase 1 awarded projects - Micro grants up to £1,000.00 - for informal groups involved in social action or mutual aid activity and for formally constituted members of Action Together.

Projects awarded:

Group Amount awarded Project description
Aim High Enterprise £1,000 They wanted to enable children to have a safe place to attend for various activities and advice during holidays and weekend. The idea is to fill in the gap which the pandemic has created and get the youth back up to speed and confident again whilst providing them with aspirational role models/speakers and opportunities to develop into healthier and self-motivated individuals. 
Ambitions Oldham & Tameside £1,000 The group wanted to do a mix of face to face and online learning. To help with this they needed a zoom licence to help them with the online learning and if there were further restrictions brought into place in the New Year this will help them to keep in touch with their members, they will be able to check on their mental state and answer any questions they have on Covid.
Bee Together Community Centre and Garden £860. The group needed some of their volunteers to be trained in First Aid skills. This will have a 2-fold effect because the community garden space is beginning to pick up momentum after the long break due to Covid 19 restrictions. Their activities involve are increasing with adults and children and as an organisation they have a duty to ensure there is a qualified first aid person present at all their activities. 

Chadderton Church & Saviour's, Chadderton

£200 Kings Kitchen provides a hot and cold food service, in recent weeks they have seen providing 90 food bags, on one single Monday! The grant was awarded to continue to provide the service to the most needy.
Chadderton Community Crafters £200

Help with social isolation as many of them live alone and friendships have been formed between many members. They applied for grant for a annual Christmas party providing a buffet. 

Chadderton Foxes  £1,000 As the Summer training has been so successful, they have continued with their training sessions each week and hired a sports hall for the winter months. As we are a brand-new team this is our first winter season and they really want to ensure that they have enough funds left to pay for the room. The grant awarded enabled the group to do this
Chadderton Together £919.26 Covid has affected many communities in Oldham including Chadderton. Substantial feedback from a survey amongst the residents of Chadderton generated the sort of activities which they knew will be well received by residents of all ages within the community. They intend to celebrate the coming of Spring with events to be held during the February half term school holidays at Foxdenton Park in Chadderton. 
Derker Community Gardens £200

Purchase a Water Butt so they can make the most of the rain now as there isn’t a water source at the site. They also needed cleaning up items such as Gloves, Big bags, Etc.

Derker Community Gardens £200 Creating a green space for the residents of Derker, where everyone can come together to grow Fruits and Vegetables. They are in the process of cleaning up the site and with the grant they were awarded they were able to purchase equipment needed to start the clean-up.
Earls Lodge gentle armchair exercise club £200 Help vulnerable elderly residents in Failsworth to come out of their flats and  homes to come together again to do some gentle arm chair exercise ran by a qualified OCL tutor, this will help improve their physical and mental wellbeing.
Friends of Stoneleigh Park (FOSP) £1,000 Spread Christmas joy to local families that are vulnerable and living in poverty by gifting toys and other essentials they may require as most weren’t able to afford it. They targeted families in the St James ward in Oldham. The local Police team, District Team, local schools, social housing provider have agreed to deliver and identify families that are struggling

Build on their sessions and workshops they have offered across the summer to family members. It is now more important than ever that we encourage outdoor/immunity boosting activities and also opportunities for social cohesion and support.

Glodwick & Clarksfield Youth Movement -Football Club £1,000 Enabled young people of Oldham, especially those from our locality of Glodwick & Clarksfield, active through the medium Football. Due to the lockdowns and the effects of Covid-19 we have seen at first hand the huge negative impact on our local children’s health, physical as well as mental.
Glodwick Cricket Club £1,000

Run two eight week blocks of winter, indoor cricket in October/ November and January/ February aimed at different age groups in order to build on the success of the summer school.

Harrow Mews Family, Community Group £200 Celebrate the Queen’s Jubilee. They are hoping to bring together the local community including elderly and vulnerable residents who have been isolating throughout the pandemic and are still unsure of socialising. 
Housing21 £809.99 The aim of the project is to offer Technology training to residents, in a Covid safe environment. They requested the grant funding to acquire the equipment to enable the project to proceed. Using a large screen in the lounge will help those learning on a large screen. Making sure those who are sight impaired can see and are not left behind.
Housing 21 at Trinity House £200 They requested a speaker which links up to the computer, with the speaker they can do music Fridays with DJ Andy and music bingo. The speaker would allow them to have their own equipment and not to rely on borrowing it. Having their own equipment would mean they would not let residents down and keep the consistency going of a full and varied activities schedule.
Incredible Edible Saddleworth £200 Purchase fruit trees for several places where vegetables will not grow. Most of the planters currently in use we made by the group from old pallets (see photos on Facebook). The grant awarded was to buy large planters – or the wood to construct them.
Indian Association Oldham £990 They wanted to restart their Luncheon Club every Thursday and safeguard our vulnerable older members who are between the age of 60 and 90. This will alleviate loneliness, isolation, bad eating habits and self-care, resulting in healthy eating and improved well-being for our vulnerable older members, preventing sudden deaths.
Jenny Allen forest School £200

Jenny is a qualified teacher who volunteers to deliver Forest School Sessions for Early Years Children, they requested the grant to buy resources, which can be used again, enabling them also to support other groups. 

Little French Cinema £200

Cover the costs of producing a publicity brochure that allowed them to keep the admission costs down.

Making Space £1,000 The group use to meet 5 days a week so, the loss of contact caused by COVID-19 left a huge hole in their lives. The funded project helped get people back safely meeting face-to-face and enjoying the benefits that brings to wellbeing. They have found that it, understandably, takes time to build confidence of the vulnerable following the reduction in restrictions during the pandemic.
Manchester City Mission £1,000

Manchester City Mission project Operation Joy tackles Homelessness in Oldham. The group were awarded the grant to be able to provide a permanent place where people can go and they can see to the needs of their male clients.

Manchester City Mission £599.99 They run a restart programme in Oldham for sex workers and high-risk vulnerable women, it’s a drop-in centre offering support and opportunities. They are now receiving referral’s from probation and social services and they are putting on an open day at probation with all the women's service. They requested the grant to provide a projector for their event and other service projects.
Monday Clubbers £200

Purchase their own Public Liability insurance, the grant enabled the group to be able to purchase this and carry on meeting at St Pauls Court.

Oak Community Development £1,000 The group were awarded the grant to deliver workshops that covered themes relating to community and storytelling, connecting to subjects around nature and local outdoor spaces as well as encouraging sharing of knowledge and craft skills in the community. 
Oasis Hub Oldham £200

To start a craft group and bring residents from the Limeside area to an enjoyable relaxed session, reduce isolation and to learn new crafting skills, share talents and produce craft items.

Old Mill House  £200

The garden is invaluable for their health and wellbeing as they slowly start to build up confidence again. With this in mind, they applied for funding to buy flower boxes and hanging baskets.

Oldham Fresh Church £1,000

The project was awarded the grant to repeat the successful intervention of the Boxes of Hope project undertaken in the Sholver and Moorside area of Oldham last Christmas/New Year, February half-term and in the summer holidays. 

Oldham Greenhill Community Sports & Recreation Club £1,000 The group wanted to hold a social gathering group every week for 3 hours for the deprived women and families who have migrated newly into Oldham. During their recent consultation the families have requested for this kind of provision, so they can come and social liaise, meet new people and make friends and get to know the Oldham communities.
Pennine Mencap £1,000 They requested the grant to enable them to use a suitably qualified local electrical contractor to supply and install new motion sensor fittings in all corridors and stairwells leading to/from the upper floors so that these areas are economically useable at all times.
Plus 55 £200 Continue to run the dance lessons currently funded and provided by a OCL tutor. They charge £2 from each participant but unfortunately their numbers have dropped from 15 to on average 5 due to deaths over the covid period and lack of confidence of some of participants so they are not coming out.
Radio Cavell 1350am Ltd £1,000 Throughout the Covid 19 restrictions Radio Cavell has continued to broadcast a free music and information service, providing family and friends the ability to keep in touch and send messages where they could not physically meet. This has however proved very difficult and without donations and grant support they would not have been able to continue.
Real Vision Community Group £1,000 Since they have started their Zoom sessions, their challenges have been more financial and this leads to limitation of members taking part in their activities. The grant was awarded to be able pay for charges and possible more registration fees for their members and to continue paying their professional instructor for his ongoing cost, to cover the cost of a professional Counsellor. 
Real Education Empowering Lives (REELCIC) £1,000 The group applied for the grant to continue to run their food provision, currently they have 30 families accessing the food project every week who rely on the food provision.
Real Education Empowering Lives (REELCIC) £1,000 They were awarded the grant to provide Christmas activities packs for families over the Christmas period, last year families really loved the packs and said it encouraged them to sit down as a family and get involved in the games and crafts together.
Residents of Holly Bank £150

The recent Covid 19 concerns & restrictions placed on our local residents, we are looking to promote local community cohesion by using the street party to foster togetherness and getting the residents and friends to mix as they have done in the past.

Roc n Rolls Holt's Community Project £1,000 Roc ‘n’ Rolls is a community café/centre in the heart of Holts Estate. With the Covid 19 Pandemic they have seen a big decline in community activities and wanted to encourage the community to re-visit and restart events. The grant was awarded to the group to enable them to restart their activities.
St Barnabas Church £1,000 The group applied for the grant to upgrade the audio-visual system in the Main Hall the existing system cannot read from a laptop or phone; it does not recognise Bluetooth; it cannot accommodate both voice and music. They also wanted to improve their security by installing equipment. This will enable more and different groups to use the Hall and enable existing groups to do different and better activities.
Saddleworth Environmental Education £1,000 Through working with young people, they have trailed some animal assisted interventions (AAI) techniques, which have proved to be a real success and something they wanted to develop and build on. To do this, they need to enrol some of their team onto a training course. The intervention will be offered to their most vulnerable service users who have been referred to them because they have either stopped engaging with mainstream education or are at risk of exclusion.
Saddleworth School of Dance £1,000

The idea is to pilot Break dancing classes in the Saddleworth area. With Break dancing now being part of the 2024 Olympic games in Paris, they are very passionate about introducing this style of dance to children and young adults in the area.

Saddleworth Spiritualist Church  £200 Celebrate the Queen’s Jubilee. The event Is an open invitation to anyone that wishes to attend, they are hoping to bring together the local community including elderly and vulnerable residents who have been isolating throughout the pandemic and are still feeling vulnerable about socialising in the community.
Spotlight Theatre Group £910

They requested funding to help with storage, to give us more time to find accommodation for our staging either for ourselves or for another community group to make use of.

St Barnabas Church, Clarksfield and Barnabas Community Project £1,000 This funding will enable more and different groups to use the Hall; will enable existing groups to do different and better activities and these enhancements will enable St Barnabas to develop and grow and enhance the experience of yet more people from an ever-widening clientele.
St Herbert's Tenants Society £160

As they are easing out of lockdown, they are looking to get residents who are now wanting to get more involved with each other safely. They wanted to organise an afternoon tea party. 

The Lydgate Stitches £200

To build on members confidence, skills and social interaction after Covid through a programme of textile workshops.

The Oldham Choir £150

The grant enable the group to purchase new music which the can be delivered at future concerts.

Union Street United Reformed Church - Oldham  £1,000 The aim of this project is to renovate the garden surrounding Union St Church. It is visible to the public at all times, particularly on Queen St. They carry out regular maintenance, however some bushes are old and some plants have spread too much.
Vibrant Voices £200

The group provides a shared singing experiences for those living with dementia, parkinsons, stroke survivors & other vulnerable people 

Well-being Support Group £200

Run a number session for anyone struggling with mental health, a place where they can come down meet new friends and have a chat. The funding awarded helped towards the venue hire & equipment for the group to be able to continue. 

Well-being Support Group £200

Enable the group to continue and support people struggling with mental health problems.

