Oldham Carers' Strategy Survey

Published date: 
Wednesday, 1st February 2023

Did you know…

Oldham Council is refreshing its Carers’ Strategy and needs your help! They would like unpaid carers to get involved to help create a new Carers’ Strategy, which will outline priorities and support for unpaid carers across the borough over the next three years. Your views will help to shape the strategy and support they offer locally.

Who are unpaid carers?

A carer is anyone who cares, without pay, for a friend or family member who, due to illness, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction, cannot cope without their support. Caring roles can vary, some carers look after someone full time, while others share the care with a friend or family member, or juggle caring with paid employment  or education. However big or small the caring role, it is vital that carers get the information and support they need.  

How do I get involved?

Oldham Council will be holding focus groups in person on the strategy once you have had the opportunity to tell them what you think and the response you give in the online survey will help to inform the upcoming focus groups.

Click here to take part in the survey!

(The survey closes 10th March 2023)

You will have the option to share your contact information on the survey to join one of the face-to-face sessions being held in March 2023. Alternatively, you can let the team know your interest by emailing your name, contact details and any accessibility requirements to the following email address: REC@oldham.gov.uk

Focus Groups for organisations supporting unpaid carers

The team are also planning focus groups for professionals who work with or in some way support unpaid carers.

There are two dates available. Book onto a session here.
