NFU Mutual Community Giving Fund

Aims/priorities: The aim of the Fund is to show support for community events, charities, schools, and community group activities that are local to NFU Mutual’s business operations across the UK. 

The Fund’s main areas of interest are:

  • Connecting the community; reducing social isolation, providing opportunities, and encouraging resilience.
  • Providing care and support to vulnerable members of the community.
  • Relieving poverty; improving the health and wellbeing of communities.
  • Advancing education and experiences for young people.

Priority will be given to:

  • Requests that are supported by NFU Mutual staff members or one of NFU Mutual’s local branch offices.
  • Beneficiaries that have not been given funds previously.

The grants should be used for specific project costs, for example purchasing an item of equipment or furniture, or something else that will help people over a long period of time.

Who can apply? Community groups, charities and schools can apply.

Grant amount: Up to £1,000.

Application process: Application forms are available on the website of NFU Mutual and should be submitted by email to Guidelines are also available on the website.

Deadline: There will be four funding rounds in 2021. The deadlines for applications are:

  • 31 March 21
  • 30 June 21
  • 30 September 21
  • 30 November 21

Contact information: Corporate Social Responsibility Team - Email 

Website address: NFU Mutual Community Giving Fund | NFU Mutual

up to £1000
Charitable Company
Constituted Group
Partnerships and Consortiums
Registered Charity
Social Enterprise
Unconstituted Group
Funding Theme: 
Children and Young People
Unpublish Date: 
Wednesday, 31 March, 2021