Money Saving Expert (MSE) Charity

Aims/priorities: Funded by Money Saving Expert, the MSE Charity gives grants to UK not-for-profit organisations that deliver activities which make a lasting impact on how people think, behave and manage their money.

There are two rounds per year. Four themes rotate through a two year cycle.

  • Raising the Next Generation
  • Life Changing Transitions
  • Living with Long Term Challenges
  • Building and Developing Resilience.

The MSE Charity will consider full project cost recovery, but costs must only relate to the project itself and not the organisation's core funding.

In response to the Cost of Living Crisis, the September 2022 round was brought forward to June 2022. In turn, the February 2023 round is being brought forward to January 2023.

Who can apply? Small to medium-sized non-profit organisations with a constitution can apply, including UK registered charities, community interest companies, social enterprises and credit unions.

To be eligible, applicants should:

  • Have an annual income of less than £750,000.
  • Have unrestricted reserves that are less than six months of their running costs.

Community interest companies and social enterprise organisations must have a governing document which shows the name, aim/purpose, objects of the group, including a dissolution clause - what happens if the group ceases to function. This clause should show that they are a not-for-profit group by confirming that any assets remaining after all debts are paid will be given to another voluntary group with similar aims. This document should also include details of their Trustees or management committee.

Grant amount: Up to £7,500 are available.

Application process: Applications are usually invited twice a year: in February and September. Each grant round is limited to the first 40 accepted applications.

The next grant round, Raising the Next Generation, is due to open at 9am on 3 January 2023.

A grant eligibility quiz, online application form, guidance notes and FAQs are available on the MSE Charity website. The application guidance document changes for each round and groups should make sure they have read it carefully before starting the application form.

Groups that wish to discuss their project should send an email to the Operations Manager.

Applications are only accepted electronically and only within the grant round dates.

Deadline: Tuesday 31 January 2023.

Contact information: Email:


£1000.01 to £10,000
Charitable Company
Constituted Group
Registered Charity
Social Enterprise
Funding Theme: 
Children and Young People
Cost of Living Crisis
Unpublish Date: 
Tuesday, 31 January, 2023