Meet Fi

Fi Oakes | Community Development Worker (Middleton and Heywood)

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What is my role?

I’m Fi, the Community Development Worker for Heywood and Middleton, my role is to support groups and organisations in their development pathways. I help organisations and groups to prepare their documentation and help them to secure the funding to realise their aims; to make their neighbourhoods and communities a better, healthier and more inclusive place to live. I also encourage these organisations to connect with each other, to enhance their local impact by working together, where they share similar aims.

What most excites me about this role?

I love to work with communities and to support people to achieve their ambitions for their neighbourhoods and their local needs. I feel lucky to meet inspiring, local people in the community every day. Each with such passion, determination, and commitment who are striving to make a difference. To turn dreams into reality. I enjoy being part of this process and harnessing the support of Action Together in the development of an organisation through the use of tools and coaching. I am so proud to be part of the dynamic team at Action Together and to be able to assist in this creative process and to see projects developing strengths and sustainability.

What drew me to work at Action Together?

I knew of Action Together through work I have been engaged in in other boroughs of Greater Manchester. I was always impressed by the groups I met where Action Together were involved. I am passionate about people’s rights to equality and inclusiveness, and about empowering communities to realise their strengths.

I was particularly excited to be given this opportunity, as I also have previously worked in Rochdale and I know this is a ‘can do’ borough. And, Action Together is a ‘can do’ organisation.

My hopes for Rochdale are...

I hope to see Rochdale continue it’s journey of growth, and maintain it’s fantastic heritage,  as a warm, friendly, inclusive and creative, northern borough.