Hong Kong British Nationals (Overseas) Welcome Programme - Regional VCSE Grant Scheme

**The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government is running two events on 10 and 11 August to talk about the grant schemes in more detail. Register here**

Aims/priorities: The funding is intended to support British National (Overseas) status holders and their eligible family members with the opportunity to come to the UK to live, study and work, on a pathway to citizenship. 

The Welcome Programme aims to:

  • Enable BN(O) status holders and their family members to fully contribute to life in the UK, both economically and socially, enriching our society.
  • Provide support to both resident communities and BN(O) status holders and their families to feel safe and welcome, as well as ensuring any hate crime is tackled in a timely way.
  • Allow BN(O) status holders and their families to feel fully part of British society, able to mix confidently with people of all backgrounds and provide a positive contribution to the UK and the areas in which they settle.
  • Ensure that any instances of destitution and underemployment in the BN(O) status holder cohort is minimised and addressed through effective support.

The regional VCSE funding is intended to be used to develop and run local projects seeking to support BN(O) status holders in areas such as employment support, supporting wellbeing through ‘buddying’ or ‘befriending’ schemes and to help access services such as registering for a GP, opening a bank account and registering for a National Insurance number.

Other examples of activities where the Government is keen to receive proposals include:

  • Projects which provide clear information and advice on access to services, including housing, health and other social services.
  • Targeted employment support, based on best practice, focusing on skills, employment sustainability and combating under‐employment.
  • Supporting the involvement and settlement of BN(O) status holders in mainstream community and civic structures and groups.
  • Projects which focus on community cohesion, social interaction, and public communication around the settlement of BN(O) status holders.

Bids should complement the support that will be provided through the new Welcome Hubs that will assist the new arrivals to integrate into communities.

Who can apply? VCSE organisations in England only. Applications will be accepted from VCSE organisations with experience supporting the integration of BN(O) status holders, as well as groups who have the relevant skills and resources to support effective settlement and to help build strong community cohesion. Both newly founded organisations and more well-established groups can apply.

The following types of organisations may apply.

Charity’ – A registered charity with a UK charity number or a registered CIC (community interest company).
‘Community group’ – A group which meets all the following criteria:

  • Established for charitable, benevolent, or philanthropic purposes
  • Has a governing body with at least three members
  • Has a governing document which they are able to produce
  • Can provide accounts for the last two financial years.

‘Community Interest Company’ - a special type of limited company which exists to benefit the community rather than private shareholders.
Other not for profit organisations.

Grant amount: Between £10,000 and £40,000. All projects need to be delivered by 31 March 2022.

Application process: All relevant documents can be found on the GOV.UK website.

Deadline: 23:59 on 1 September 2021.

Contact information: Tel 030 3444 0000, Email HKRegionalGrant@communities.gov.uk

Website address: www.gov.uk

over £25,000
Charitable Company
Constituted Group
Partnerships and Consortiums
Registered Charity
Social Enterprise
Funding Theme: 
Communities Experiencing Racial Inequalities
Unpublish Date: 
Wednesday, 1 September, 2021