Greater Manchester: ‘Smokefree Summer’ Communications Toolkit

Smokefree Summer
Published date: 
Friday, 20th July 2018

What is Smokefree Summer?

Smokefree Summer is a campaign which is taking place across Greater Manchester (GM) during July and August. This campaign will see the Making Smoking History in Greater Manchester (MGHiGM) team supporting family-friendly events across GM to go smokefree.

What is ‘smokefree’?

This is the absence of tobacco smoking within a designated outdoor area. Events may be smokefree in their entirety or they may have part of the event designated as smokefree. In addition, if the event takes place over several days then the organisers may choose to designate area(s) smokefree on some of those days.

Why smokefree?

The campaign represents an opportunity for people to experience temporary smokefree outdoor spaces in a positive context. Experiencing smokefree spaces helps to normalise smokefree environments. The ‘Smokefree Summer’ campaign will help to maintain and build the momentum for a wider social movement of normalise smokefree public places. Ultimately, reducing the visibility of smoking will help to support quit attempts in adults and discourage children and young people from starting.

Which events could we make smokefree?

We know from conversations with our partners across GM localities that there is already a smokefree presence at many events past and present, and we would like to capitalise on this and extend the reach of smokefree spaces. Examples of events which may be suitable to go smokefree would be family fun days, picnics, treasure hunts, children’s sports and healthy activities like fun runs or Race for Life events.

Click here to download the communications toolkit

For further information, please contact:

Making Smoking History in Greater Manchester (MSHiGM) Team

Greater Manchester Health and Social Care (GMHSC) Partnership

07870 997 323