Ear for You Campaign - NESTAC

 New Step for African Community (NESTAC) logo
Published date: 
Thursday, 27th May 2021

Research has revealed that the Black and Asian Minority Ethnic (BAME) population is the most affected by Covid-19 in the UK. New Step for African Community (NESTAC) provides counselling and emotional support to BAME families affected by the Covid-19 pandemic during and after the lockdown period. It uses a person-centred approach, recognising the uniqueness of each person, as well as the diversity of cultures and beliefs.

Its mental health team is made of bilingual staff who could support clients in different languages. Helplines and digital platforms are used for cross-cultural counselling and emotional support, or simply for an informal chat to alleviate any form of stress related to Covid-19.

NESTAC has been working closely with BAME families who need help and emotional support.

Find out more about the 'Ear for You' Campaign.