Stitch and Share

Stitch and Share’ meet on Wednesdays during term-time. The Textiles group is in the morning, 10 to 12 with a focus on machine and hand embroidery, felting, dyeing and printing fabrics. The Sewing group is in the afternoon 1 to 3 with a focus on garment making and learning to following a pattern with the support of a tutor. People come as beginners, returners or to share their expertise by practice in sewing skills. Times are purposely arranged to fit in with parents of school age children . An informal parent led crèche is also provided for parents with pre school age children. We also very much welcome and do have participation from other people from the immediate community of Hathershaw, for example from the over 50 years age group. Currently ages between 18 to 91 years attend. The sewing group has been running since September 2014 and approximately 18 people attend each session. However in total approximately 50 people have accessed the group. The textiles group started in September 2016 and 12 people on average attend each session. ‘Stitch and Share’ brings people together from across the local community where there is high deprivation. We offer supported access to textile and sewing activities around which confidence, mental health, relationships, community cohesion and skills can grow. Between people of different ethnic communities, there is a sense of belonging, shared experience, a history of exchanging skills and celebration of achievements. The sewing groups provide a safe and welcoming space. Those who are isolated or lonely for whatever reason are particularly welcomed. New friendships are made and differences are embraced. Being involved in creative activities increases confidence and self esteem as well as having a positive impact on mental and physical well-being. Also enabling people to overcome barriers that prevent them accessing new social, training or employment opportunities.

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