Foodbank Warehouse Assistant

With reliance on the Foodbank increasing due to the Cost of Living Crisis, the Warehouse Assistant role is vital in helping us to deliver support to people and communities most in need. Volunteers are responsible for receiving, weighing in, sorting and moving donations, and restocking the shop for parcels to be packed.
Duration: Ongoing
Start date: 18th January 2023
When can volunteers volunteer? Weekly, Fortnightly

This grid shows when you can volunteer for this organisation. E.G Monday morning.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Tasks the volunteer will be required to do:

- Helping take in donations
- Ensuring all donated goods are weighed in and recorded
- Sorting through donations
- Communicating with the packers to see what they need in the shop
- Moving stock over and restocking the shop


- Upon joining the Foodbank as a volunteer you will receive a thorough induction and will be required to complete relevant training

Requirements: Willing to travel by public transport or find own way to volunteering location
Areas of Interest: Families, Foodbanks, Poverty
What activities will the volunteer do? Administration, Food banks
DBS Check Required: No

About the host organisation

Hosted by: Oldham Foodbank
Organisation Profile: Frontline care professionals and support workers, such as doctors, health visitors, social workers, CAB, Police and crisis support identify people in need, and issue them with a food voucher for the Foodbank if it would help them. They will also offer and signpost to other kinds of support to help them through their crisis. A team of volunteers based at the Foodbank pack the food parcels, which contain a range of different foods to last the person and their family 7 days, as well as other items such as pet food, toiletries, sanitary products and cleaning products where available. Volunteers collect and sort food to check that it’s in date and pack it into trays, ready to be included in food parcels, and a group of volunteer drivers deliver the parcels to people's homes. As the Cost of Living Crisis continues to affect more families and households within our community the demand for our service continues to increase which is why we need the support of more volunteers.