Volunteer Voices, Meet Ron

Action Together Ambassador, Ron Smith

Ron began volunteering with Action Together during the coronavirus pandemic in May 2021, saying “I want to just help out and have something to do”.

Ron was willing to get involved to help the community get vaccinated and decided to help out at local Vaccination Clinics across Oldham as a Vaccination Guidance and Support Volunteer.

Ron was that friendly face when people dropped in for their vaccines. He kept the queue in order, checked people were eligible for a vaccination and referred any medical queries to the Clinical Team. Ron volunteered very closely with the Clinical Team, always checking for procedure changes, how many vaccines they could give that day and always followed the Government guidance at all times.  

He was always there to reassure people and share his experience and stories. This helped people feel more comfortable and welcome at the clinic. One member of the public said, “You are all true heroes, thank you!”

During his time with Action Together Ron has now been promoted to Volunteer Ambassador. He chose to take on more responsibility and had gone on to manage the volunteers, including welcoming and training new volunteers.

If you are considering volunteering Ron says;

"Give it a go! You are always supported and you're never left on your own. Through volunteering I’ve enjoyed meeting new people, getting out and about and learning more about Coronavirus and the procedures around it.”

Since volunteering Ron is more aware of what is available to do in his local community. He recently volunteered at a local fun day to promote the benefits of volunteering.

Ron has now joined the team at a local Volunteer Hub. He is there to share his knowledge and skills within the local community of Oldham. Why not visit to speak to Ron and the team about volunteering opportunities available to you?