Tayyaba Kosar | Systems Change Facilitator
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What is my role?
I'm Tayyaba, the Sytems Change Facilitator for Action Together in Tameside. My role is to advance our approaches to enabling social change through partnerships and collaboration. I facilitate network meetings with various organisations and individuals around specific areas such as; Refugees and Asylum Seekers, The Diversity Network, Poverty and VCFSE in order to develop collaborative projects that address the root of inequalities.
What most excites me about this role?
I've only been working here since July 2023 and the one thing that I love about this role is meeting some amazing individuals and organisations that do incredible work for the community. It's amazing to see how many passionate and worthwhile causes are being worked on. I'm really excited to bring organisations together and work collaboratively to make a positive change in Tameside.
What drew me to work at Action Together?
In my previous roles I worked on a few projects and campaigns that involved working with charities and not-for-profits across Manchester. It was incredibly rewarding and fun to meet people who put so much time and effort into creating change for the local community. As someone who is so passionate about eliminating social and racial inequalities, coming across Action Together felt like a 'no brainer' as it brought my passions together so well!
My hopes for Tameside are...
My hopes are to help create intrinsic change within the area. There are a lot of systemic issues that need to be worked on, but I'm really excited to play a part to elevate and empower the community of Tameside!