Co - designing a Framework to support Personal Budgets across Greater Manchester

Greater Manchester Health & Social Care
Published date: 
Wednesday, 25th April 2018

It is widely accepted that our GM health and care system must deliver person centred care and support that helps connect people into communities. People, families, advocates and staff say a crucial aspect of this is good support to get and manage a personal budget.

The Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership is here to offer support to all localities across Greater Manchester.

Although each Locality commissions and provides support, many people say that this area would benefit from a co-designed framework that aims to increase quality, safety and equity of offer.

Health and social care organisations coming together also opens up opportunities to explore joined up activity, resulting in a more integrated offer to local citizens.

This could include brokerage services, quality assurance of directly procured personal support, account management, ongoing support and advice for budget holders and more clarity about a reasonable range of costs for services.

Our first step should be to achieve a shared understanding:

What are the best standards and processes which will support personal budget holders to have great outcomes?

It must clarify what standards commissioners, people and families can expect and also for support providers to enable them to adapt to a personal budget market that is becoming increasingly diverse and expanding. 

As well as people with lived experience, voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) organisations are crucial partners for statutory health and social care agencies.

This is the start of a sequence of events and activities, and there are other ways for you to get involved, if you cannot attend this event , please get in touch directly.

Further events will also be held to reach out to more stakeholders including the current provider market.

Who should attend?

  • People with lived experience, Healthwatch, groups representing service users
  • Commissioners who are involved in the implementation or development of personal budgets (health and social care)
  • Voluntary Community and Social Enterprises (VCSE) who are interested or who are already involved in supporting people with personal budgets
  • Any agency (social and health), individual or groups representing personal budget holders but will independent of chargeable provided services at this stage.

The event takes place at The Midland Hotel, Manchester, on Tuesday May 15 2018, from 9.30am – 3.30pm. Lunch and refreshments will be provided

Click here to book your place