Oldham Community Centres Forum

 Registration is closed for this event
Do you manage or help to run a community centre in Oldham

The Oldham Community Centres Forum is  a forum for organisations in Oldham who manage or help to run community centres or hubs in Oldham.

Come and meet other organisations to share best practice, discover how you can work together to achieve more and explore shared experiences.

This is your forum, so at this meeting we will continue to explore what you would like it to achieve for you.

If you are unable to attend but would like to be kept informed and be involved in future sessions, please e mail Sharon McGladdery sharon.mcgladdery@actiontogether.org.uk

3rd February, 2025 from 12:00 PM to  2:00 PM
NEON Community Hub
Holt Street
Oldham, OL4 2DQ
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