Tameside Social Economy Network

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Tameside Social Economy Network is a space for Social Enterprises and Entrepreneurs in Tameside to come together, access support and share experiences of running a business which trades for a social and / or environmental purpose.

This network will be ran for and with Social Enterprises, and you will be invited to share the topics and areas of growth that are important to you and your enterprise. You will gain support to increase your social impact and grow your business.

This network is co-facilitated with Action Together and the following partners:

  • Build a business in GM Libraries
  • Tameside Means Business
  • GM Business Growth

Collectively, we offer one-to-one support and training to:

  • Start up and grow an idea, including choosing a legal and governance structure
  • Define and develop your social purpose
  • Sustainability; business planning, developing your trade and generating income
  • Market your products and developing your audience
  • Leadership and resilience support for Social Entrepreneurs
  • Workforce Development; to develop the skills within your team to grow your business
  • Networking opportunities
15th January, 2025 from  4:30 PM to  6:30 PM
Academy HQ
Grosvenor Street
Tameside, SK15 ISE
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