#WednesdaysWeekly - Alcohol Use in Pregnancy

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Please join us for this session on Alcohol Use in Pregnancy delivered by Louise Whitworth, Alcohol Exposed Pregnancy Service Lead


Many things we hear about pregnancy are passed along through generations, for example experiencing cravings. Some people say drinking small amounts of alcohol while pregnant is ok. But the truth is, the safest option during pregnancy is not to drink alcohol at all. Whether it’s beer, wine, or spirits, alcohol can cause harm to your baby at any time during pregnancy.

That’s why it is so important for you to be informed about the ‘No alcohol, No risk’ message.

Our service and this presentation has been developed to provide women and their partners with information about alcohol use during pregnancy in order to prevent alcohol related harm to their baby.

We want to raise awareness of the risks of drinking alcohol during pregnancy and promote available supports for pregnant women who continue to drink alcohol.

This will help you understand the potential risks of drinking alcohol during pregnancy and the best way to keep your baby safe and healthy.

Since many pregnancies are not planned, approximately 50%, some women may drink alcohol before they realise they are expecting a baby.

Since 2016 the Chief Medical O­fficer for England has advised that “If you are pregnant or think that you could become pregnant, the safest approach is not to drink at all, to keep risks to your baby to a minimum.”

In England 10.4 million people consumed alcohol at levels above the UK Chief Medical Officers’ low risk drinking guidelines (PHE March 2019).



What the service can provide support with:


•             Alcohol education and advice - pre conception, use in pregnancy and post pregnancy (up to 12 months post birth)

•             Smoking in pregnancy – liaising with smoking cessation nurse, signposting and advice and guidance

•             Physical and Mental Health – support and guidance to help improve physical and emotional wellbeing

•             Nutrition – guidance and advice and signposting to Healthystart.nhs.uk

•             Parental conflict and relationship support – creating positive, healthy relationships

•             Support and education to family members, partners or loved ones to the mum to be – signposting to community support and 1:1 counselling

7th April, 2021 from  1:00 PM to  2:00 PM
Phone: 0161 339 2345
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