Recruiting & Supporting Volunteers

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Reflect on best practice, and share ideas about how you can provide a positive volunteer experience.

Volunteers are the backbone of the charity sector. But since the pandemic, the percentage of people volunteering in the UK has decreased.

The rising cost of living has likely exacerbated this, with people having less time and money to spare than they used to. This has made recruiting for this crucial group of people more of a challenge.

A skilled and confident volunteer force can be a key asset and reliable resource in a challenging external environment. They may also users of your services and deserve a minimum standard of support and to feel safe and confident in undertaking your volunteering.

This course will reflect on best practice in attracting and ‘managing’ volunteers.

4 hours F2F

16th May, 2024 from 10:00 AM to  2:00 PM
Mahdlo Youth Zone
Egerton Street
Oldham, OL1 3SE
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