• Monday Meet up FREE Zoom Class 3.00pm link -https://us04web.zoom.us/j/79223793954?pwd=aUtKZlRvbjd5a2NoaHM3bWVyS1ZQZz09

    This is a meet up online to chat about how we are feeling and how todays issues are affecting us. Its for anyone who wants to connect and share problems while in lockdown or for any other reason

    Contact for further details: Juanita Margerison

    Day: Monday
    Time: 3pm
    Frequency: Weekly
    Cost: Free

    Professional Referral: No
    Self Referral:
    Accessible for disabled people: Yes
    Accessible for people with language needs: No

    About the host organisation

    Hosted by: The Resonance Centre CIC
    Organisation Profile:

    The Resonance Centre is a multi-functional centre designed to deliver FREE classes, services and activities which positively impact both mental health and physical wellbeing for the residents of Manchester and Tameside! Primarily focused on yoga, meditation, mindfulness and plant-based eating for optimal health, the centre will also be home to a variety of community groups and sober raves. The aim is to create a space based on community connection and social inclusion.
    Our building renovation is on hold during lockdown so we're building an online following by providing 12 Free zoom classes a week.