• Tea and Coffee Morning

    A tea and coffee morning where the elderly comes together for tea and coffee and to socialise with each other to reduce feeling depressed or isolated.

    Contact for further details: Mary Adekugbe
    Contact phone number: 07456136150

    Day: Tuesday
    Time: 10am - 2pm
    Frequency: Weekly
    Cost: Free

    Professional Referral: No
    Self Referral: Yes
    Accessible for disabled people: Yes
    Accessible for people with language needs: Yes

    About the host organisation

    Hosted by: Nigeria Community Association
    Organisation Profile:

    Nigeria Community Association Promoting Identity Culture and Stronger Community through community projects and events focused on reaching out to people. 

    Our aim is to end loneliness / depression and change the lives of those affected by it.

    To support and empower the community, Refugee, asylum seekers, and the deprived in the Community by educating, training and rendering services for Community integration. 

    To support celebrate the potential in our Youth and also empower them. 

    Our aim is to promote equality and diversity by discussing issues that will help integrate Nigerians with other ethnic groups in Greater Manchester.

    Our aim is not only to promote the Nigerian culture but to learn about other cultures and promote unity and peace amongst Nigerians living in Greater Manchester and beyond. 

    We aim to liaise with other Nigerian Associations in UK, to learn the British culture and promote law and order within the society.