• Emotional Support Service

    Offering a counselling and talking therapy service to people affected by cancer at the Tameside Macmillan Unit. Providing support and treatment for those who are experiencing symptoms such as difficulty sleeping, low mood / depression, stress, worry or anxiety, feelings of hopelessness or panic attacks. We can also help those dealing with the effects of a long-term health problem or chronic pain, Post Natal Depression, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, phobias, or eating difficulties. The service is delivered by a range of professionals including therapists and counsellors, who will find a level of treatment that is right for you. Drop in sessions are available however please call before making a special journey to ensure that the session is available on the day.

    Contact for further details: David Banks
    Contact phone number: 01619225644

    Time: For more information please get in touch - subject to change
    Cost: Free

    Professional Referral:
    Self Referral: Yes
    Accessible for disabled people: Yes
    Accessible for people with language needs: Yes

    About the host organisation

    Hosted by: Tameside and Glossop Macmillan Information and Support Service
    Organisation Profile:

    If you or someone you know has been affected by cancer, we are here to help.

    ​We are here to provide practical & emotional support to anyone affected by cancer. If you have any questions, if you’re unsure our service can help or, if you would like to discuss the service we offer we would welcome your contact

    ​We provide literature & practical support on all aspects of living with cancer including concerns, emotional issues, managing side effects, financial issues including Travel & Insurance costs, claiming the appropriate benefits, managing your finances, managing debts, employment support (both for employees & employers), help to access the support available in your area and more.

    Need to talk?
    Call us 0161 922 5644
    email Macmillan.info@tgh.nhs.uk