• Luncheon Club / Soup and Sandwich

    Social activity - on the 1st Monday of the month you can come along for a hot lunch. On the other Mondays of the months we serve hot soup and a sandwich. This takes place in the main church hall and the cost is £3.50 per person.

    Contact for further details: Dorothy Wanjohi
    Contact phone number: 07711 454356

    Day: Monday
    Time: 12.00pm
    Frequency: Weekly
    Cost: £3 - £5

    Professional Referral: No
    Self Referral: Yes
    Accessible for disabled people: Yes
    Accessible for people with language needs: Yes

    About the host organisation

    Hosted by: Denton Methodist Church
    Organisation Profile:

    Our primary aim is to provide a good wholesome homemade two course meal for any members of the local community available on a Wednesday for a small remuneration (just put it up from £2.50p to £3)
    Our secondary aim is to make available a safe environment w

    Charity Number: 1150558